lunes, 7 de enero de 2019

Nailympion 2018 #Nailympion2018

Nailympion 2018 #Nailympion2018 #NailympionArgentina .

Hola chicas , tanto tiempo aquí nuevamente luego de un largo largo tiempo vuelvo a este blog he pasado por un torbellino de cosas en los últimos dos años .
Mas que nada queria contarles acerca de mi experiencia en la Nailympion 2018 y contarles que estaré reactivando de  apoco nuevamente mis redes sociales como Instagram.

En este año que paso 2018 me anime a competir en la Nailympio Argentina en la categoría de Stamping Nail Art Box, que consiste en presentar 10 tips representando las uñas naturales con sus respectivos tamaños.
La verdad es que fui sin expectativas, pero le habia puesto todo el amor que pude a mi trabajo y fue una hermosa sorpresa haber ganado , habiendo tantas colegas y Nail artist tan buenas fue una muy linda sensación.
Si quieren enterarse mas a cerca de los ganadores y la competencia deben seguirlos en Instagram.

 Nailimpion argentina

 Hello girls, so much time here again after a long long time I return to this blog I have gone through a whirlwind of things in the last two years.
More than anything, I wanted to tell you about my experience at Nailympion 2018 and tell you that I will be reactivating my social networks again like Instagram.

In this year that 2018 happened, I was encouraged to compete in the Nailympio Argentina in the category of Stamping Nail Art Box, which consists of presenting 10 tips representing the natural nails with their respective sizes.
The truth is that I was without expectations, but I had put all the love that I could to my work and it was a beautiful surprise to have won, having so many colleagues and Nail artist so good was a very nice feeling.

The truth is that I was without expectations, but I had put all the love that I could to my work and it was a beautiful surprise to have won, having so many colleagues and Nail artist so good was a very nice feeling.
If you want to know more about the winners and the competition, you should follow them on Instagram.

 Nailympion ar

Muchas Gracias nos leemos pronto...

Thank you very much we read you soon...

2 comentarios:

  1. Ohh, Kari, tu trabajo es admirable: muy prolijo, de buen gusto y bien logrado.
    Has evolucionado muchísimo, me siento una novata.
